My Filters:



"Be Positive, Not Negative"



Participants draw attention to their own negativity and consciously shift toward positive thoughts and words

Instructional Strategies

1. Prepare a large quantity of paper clips.

2. Have participants commit to this activity for at least one full day, and even longer if possible.

3. Explain to participants that each time they have a negative thought (about themselves, about someone else) and each time they say out loud negative statements or they complain, they must collect a paper clip for each thought or statement.

4. Throughout the day, participants will need to be conscious of their thoughts and words and gather paper clips when necessary, stringing them together during the day.

5. This can be continued at home with caregivers, as we are often harshest with our loved ones.

6. The hope is that by drawing attention to our negativity, we can consciously shift to positive thoughts and statements.

Participant Tasks

1. Commit to this activity for at least one full day, and even longer if possible.

2. Each time you have a negative thought (about yourself, about someone else) and each time you say out loud negative statements or complain, you must collect a paper clip for each thought or statement.

3. Throughout the day, you must be conscious of your thoughts and words and gather paper clips when necessary, stringing them together during the day.

4. This can be continued at home with caregivers, as we are often harshest with our loved ones.

5. The hope is that by drawing attention to our negativity, we can consciously shift to positive thoughts and statements.
