"Doubting, Believing & Sharing"
Participants practice believing wholeheartedly in a position, then doubting and critiquing that same position to eventually come to the intersection of perspectives around the issue.
Instructional Strategies
1. Pick a difficult topic around which there is conflict and get everybody Ãbelievingà they are right about one side of the problem - absorbing, defending, and adopting the arguments.
2. Then get everyone together Ãdoubtingà that same problem - deconstructing and critiquing it.
3. Finally, encourage participants to find the points of intersection between the doubters and believers.
4. Facilitate a discussion and help participants articulate their own position, drawing from the perspectives of both the doubters and believers.
Participant Tasks
1. Pick a difficult topic around which there is conflict and get everybody Ãbelievingà they are right about one side of the problem - absorbing, defending, and adopting the arguments.
2. Then get everyone together Ãdoubtingà that same problem - deconstructing and critiquing it.
3. Finally, find the points of intersection between the doubters and believers.
4. Discuss and articulate your own position, drawing from the perspectives of both the doubters and believers.