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" Family Peace Before Dinner – Meditation for Teens "

Action Plan


Our young people have suffered separation from friends– not only during remote learning days. But even since, students are not able to work in close proximity in class. Cooperation is encouraged, but more difficult to achieve with masks and distances.

This, and repeated illnesses and testing, have added to the challenges of growing up, body and emotional changes.

A practice that may help to bring peace, cooperation, and unity to families is to gather for dinner each day without fail.

Sit down to dinner and ask for a moment of meditation.
Join hands and breathe.
Close eyes, set feet on the ground, and center.
Breathe in to the count of 5.
Breathe out to the count of 5.
Repeat ten times.

Then, begin eating, but while eating…
But take turns, with each family member sharing first something they feel good about from the day.
After all have shared, go around the circle again, sharing one challenge from the day.
Then go around the circle the final time to share intentions or observations– hopes or ideas for enhancing life, or ideas for helping each other.

Continue sharing dinner and time together.