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"Fist of 5 Voting group process"



A useful tool to use as a check-in throughout a process to track participants’ feelings of support. Fist to Five is quality voting. It has the elements of consensus built in and can
prepare groups to transition into consensus if they wish. Most people are accustomed to the simplicity of “yes” and “no” voting rather than the complex and more community-oriented
consensus method of decision making. Fist to Five introduces the element of the quality of the “yes.” A fist is a “no” and any number of fingers is a “yes,” with an indication of how good a “yes” it is. This moves a group away from quantity voting to quality voting, which is considerably more informative. Fist to Five can also be used during consensus decision making
as a way to check the “sense of the group,” or to check the quality of the consensus.

Instructional Strategies

1. Ask participants to show fingers to display their Òfeeling number;Ó 5 means fully satisfied/supported, 0 means not happy/not supported at all.

2. Address what could be changed or improved if participants show 0-3s, and evaluate the reasons for success when 5s are shown.

Participant Tasks

For Teachers in Training: 1. Ask participants to show fingers to display their "feeling number;" 5 means fully satisfied/supported, 0 means not happy/not supported at all.

2. Address what could be changed or improved if participants show 0-3s, and evaluate the reasons for success when 5s are shown.
