My Filters:



"I Wish My ________ Knew"



Participants will be able to open up about some of the social or emotional challenges they may be facing, which may lead to improvements in many other aspects of their lives. A stronger connection with others can open many doors to improvements in academics, mental health, emotional management, and feelings of safety.

Instructional Strategies

1. Have participant respond in writing to the prompt "I wish my __________________ (fill in person or role) knew" in order to learn more about their personal lives.

2. This activity allows for deeper connection with others and often brings up social-emotional challenges the person is facing.

3. Many people find that doing this in writing is easier than verbally.

4. A stronger connection with others can open many doors to improvements in academics, mental health, emotional management, and feelings of safety.

Participant Tasks

1. Respond in writing to the prompt "I wish my __________________ (fill in person or role) knew".

3. Doing this in writing is easier than speaking out loud.
