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"In Their Shoes"



Participants devleop empathy for those who are disabled by performing various tasks in various ways.

Instructional Strategies

1. Help youth better understand those who are disabled, by having them explore what it's like to be "in the shoes of someone with a disability".

2. Have the youth wear earplugs to experience reduced hearing

3. Encourage them to learn about braille to experience reading without sight

4. Have the youth create art without the use of their hands.

5. The idea is to encourage empathy and understanding of our unique differences.

Participant Tasks

1. Explore what it's like to be "in the shoes of someone with a disability".

2. Wear earplugs to experience reduced hearing

3. Learn about braille to experience reading without sight

4. Create art without the use of your hands.

5. The idea is to encourage empathy and understanding of our unique differences.
