"Kindness Catcher"
Participants will fold origami fortune tellers labeled with acts of kindness to remind them of kind acts to do when they encounter conflicts.
Instructional Strategies
1. Have children make folding "catchers" (also called "origami fortune tellers"), with paper, scissors, and pencils. (There are assembly instructions online).
2. Help the children come up with their own kind acts to write on the catcher.
3. Show them how to write kind acts on the inside of the various flaps.
4. The kind acts should also be reminders of how to handle conflict.
5. Each catcher should have 8 flaps with writing on them.
6. Brainstorm possible kind acts with the children. Ideas include: You will let others tell their side of the story. You will look for the good in every person. You will find ways to help others. Your words will help others feel happy. You will start a sentence with "I feel" You will cool off when you are mad. You will compliment someone. You will be an expert at sharing.
Participant Tasks
1. Make a folding "catcher" ("origami fortune tellers"), with paper, scissors, and pencils. (There are assembly instructions online).
2. Think of kind acts to write on the catcher.
3. Write the kind acts on the inside of the various flaps. Each catcher should have 8 flaps with writing on them.
4. Ideas include: You will let others tell their side of the story. You will look for the good in every person. You will find ways to help others. Your words will help others feel happy. You will start a sentence with "I feel" You will cool off when you are mad. You will compliment someone. You will be an expert at sharing.