"Media Comparisons"
Participants will look into current event articles written from various perspectives to compare and contrast tone and author feelings toward the event.
Instructional Strategies
1. Have participants take on a particular current or historical event.
2. Tell them to find disparate sources of reporting and media on the event to compare.
3. Facilitate a discussion about the various perspectives and writing styles.
4. Who wrote the articles?
5. Why they are presenting a particular perspective on an issue?
6. What is the tone of each article and how does that make a difference in how we feel about the issue?
Participant Tasks
1. Take on a particular current or historical event.
2. Find disparate sources of reporting and media on the event to compare.
3. Discuss the various perspectives and writing styles.
4. Who wrote the articles?
5. Why they are presenting a particular perspective on an issue?
6. What is the tone of each article and how does that make a difference in how you feel about the issue?