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"Mindfulness Self-Assessment; Pre-School-Elementary Handout 1C"



Children will polish their awareness of mindfulness through reflection.

Instructional Strategies

A. Prepare pencils, crayons, markers, old magazine pictures, glue, scissors, PDF activity sheet, extra paper. After the project, take a picture of the children's work and upload it to the Collaboratory. B. Remind participating children to notice what they experience while meditating. Say, "While meditating, itÕs important to think about what you notice."

C. Think about what you noticed while you focused on your breathing; write or draw what comes to mind as you answer these 6 questions. If you need more space, it's okay to draw or write on the back of the paper. Read from the PDF Activity Sheet as follows: 1. While we meditatedÉÉÉÉÉ.What did you taste? Did you remember soRemind participating children to notice what they experience while meditating. Say, "While meditating, itÕs important to think about what you notice." mething you really like to eat? Were you thinking of lunch? 2. What did you hear? 3. What did your body or your skin feel like?

4. What did you see? Maybe what you saw was in the room; maybe what you saw was a memoryÉ 5. What did you smell? 6. How did you feel in your heart and mind? Were you comfortable? Happy? Sad? Hungry?

Participant Tasks

Write or draw what you noticed while meditating - a word or a picture or a color or a collage or.....anything you want to express what you noticed while meditating! There are 6 questions in 6 boxes on the provided paper; there are 6 kinds of things you probably noticed: taste, sound, touch, sight, smell, and heartfelt feelings. Write or draw or make an art picture of what you noticed.
