"Once and Future Rulers"
Participants will evaluate what tools or attributes leaders should possess and how to use them for effective leadership.
Instructional Strategies
1. Have your participants examine what leadership skills made certain leaders throughout history effective.
2. In addition to warfare and weaponry, did leaders use diplomatic or nonviolent tools for effective leadership?
3. How might the leaders of the past rule differently in today's world?
4. What are the leadership qualities that are most likely to be needed into the future?
Participant Tasks
1. Discuss the leadership skills that helped certain leaders throughout history be effective.
2. In addition to warfare and weaponry, did those leaders use diplomatic or nonviolent tools for effective leadership?
3. How might the leaders of the past rule differently in today's world?
4. What are the leadership qualities that are most likely to be needed into the future?
© Ceeds of Peace 2020