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"Peace and Justice Studies Association"

Program, Organization


The Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) serves as a professional association for scholars in the field of peace and conflict studies. PJSA is dedicated to bringing together academics, educators, and activists to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice, and social change. We welcome all peace institutions, peace instructors, peace practitioners and peace activists to become members of our dynamic organization.

As we did during the Floyd Uprising, PJSA has created a digital space to share resources for teaching, studying, and otherwise engaging with the ongoing war in Ukraine. You can learn more about this resource here, and contribute at the link below.

You can access and contribute to this resource here!

The Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) serves as a professional association for scholars in the field of peace and conflict studies. PJSA is dedicated to bringing together academics, educators, and activists to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice, and social change.

We host an annual meeting and conference, support research and public scholarship, and serve as a network hub for a diverse and growing academic and professional field. As a relatively new and interdisciplinary field, PJSA serves to represent individuals who hold a variety of degree types such as Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Peace Studies, Social Justice Studies, Restorative Justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and more.

Our diverse membership includes academic institutions, community colleges, colleges, university faculty, students and researchers, k-12 educators, practitioners, academics, non-profit workers and activists.

This broad membership helps to facilitate research that is highly relevant, and it allows us to quickly disseminate the latest findings to those who will be among the first to implement new policies. Our abilities to do this have been greatly enhanced in recent years with the formation of a Speakers Bureau, member-centric web services, and the creation of an active publications committee.

Our members share many of the following values and beliefs:

  • Active nonviolence as a positive force for social change
  • Critical analysis of institutions and social structures
  • Societal transformation toward justice
  • Equitable sharing of world resources
  • Life-long education: community-based and service learning
  • Innovative and effective pedagogy
  • Liberatory use of technology and media research in support of community needs
  • Effective networks and alliances

PJSA works to create a just and peaceful world through:

  • The promotion of peace studies within universities, colleges and K-12 grade levels
  • The forging of alliances among educators, students, activists, and other peace practitioners in order to enhance each other’s work on peace, conflict and non-violence
  • The creation and nurturing of alternatives to structures of inequality and injustice, war and violence through education, research and action.

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