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"Silent Signals"



In order to avoid youth tuning adults out, participants practice using non-verbal signals or concise statements to get their points across.

Instructional Strategies

1. Create consistent silent signals to convey messages about behavior change.

2. Smile and point to the shoes that need to be picked up.

3. Have a consistent signal or sound that all know to quiets room.

4. When you feel upset, put your hand on your heart to show youth that you care and then begin the conversation.

5. When silent signals are not enough, use one word only, "dishes," "bedtime," "homework," "forgive," "hugs," etc. to avoid lecturing.

Participant Tasks

For Teachers in Training:

1. Create consistent silent signals to convey messages about behavior change.

2. Smile and point to the shoes that need to be picked up.

3. Have a consistent signal or sound that all know to quiets room.

4. When you feel upset, put your hand on your heart to show youth that you care and then begin the conversation.

5. When silent signals are not enough, use one word only, "dishes," "bedtime," "homework," "forgive," "hugs," etc. to avoid lecturing.
